Well folks it is time to finally announce it to the world....we are homeschooling Z next year!!!!!!! I am not sure why I have not talked about this fact over here on this blog before now but I felt it was time for everyone in our lives to know of our decision. This decision did not come easy, it was a two year process that involved a lot of research, reading, discussion and soul searching. But in March once we made the decision, we felt so good about it!
Z is soooooo excited to homeschool. I actually don't think we will call it homeschool because I have a feeling that we will not be home very much at all :) Between Nature Class, Space Class, Soccer, Tennis lessons, Field Trips and other fun learning experiences, we will not be home much. We plan to make a "Map of the Year" just like I use to do when I taught school and like Martin and Sylvia do in
Sparkle Stories. This "Map of the Year" will map out all of the learning that all 4 of us in the family want to do this year and I am so excite for this exercise. Z has already told me he wants to study Geography and Dinosaurs and is interested in more lego design. The possibilities are endless with the learning this year and I am so excited to start this new journey.

To answer that question that I have already faced many times and will face over and over in the coming years,"Why?" Well the answer is that the public school at this time is not the right fit for our son or our family. It does not mean that he will be home forever, we'd like to take it year by year and plan for him to attend public high school. We do want to travel and explore all of the great learning opportunities in our own back yard (Boston is only 35 minutes away) and this lifestyle will allow all that. The other question that I know you are asking, "How will he be socialized?" Don't you worry about this! With all of the classes, playdates and interactions this boy is going to have with other children, there is no need to worry about his "socialization". In fact he is a bit of an introvert and so I am going to have to make sure he has that precious time to be on his own.
So that is our story, I hope that you will support us on our journey. Lil'C will be starting her first year of Montessori but will be joining us here and there for learning time. I look forward to sharing with you how it is going in the coming months!! We are sooooooo excited!!!!!