Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Praying Tonight

When I think of you Tante, your bright smile and cackle laugh immediately come into my head.  You have the most amazing sense of humor and are such a beautiful person both inside and out.  I so love and appreciate your honesty and bluntness.  You are not afraid to let us know if you no longer want to chat on the phone ("I have nothing left to say to you"), if we are not looking our best ("that hairstyle does not suit your face") or if we are doing something you do not approve of  :)  However you are so good about calling to check in, you are the first to tell us how beautiful we are and always let us know when we make you proud.   I know your life has not always been easy and you have had your share of hardships but through it all you have remained one of the most loving and giving people I know.

Tante, I am so proud to be your grand niece and want you to know that you have always been more like a grandmother to me than an aunt.  LB, K and I have been so blessed to have you as a third grandmother in our lives and love you so very much.  Thanks for all of the memories.....the card games, staying with us for the week mom and dad were away when we were kids, the numerous family dinners and holidays, the crazy party you took me to when I was little, serving us the disgusting powdered milk and peanut butter out of a tub at the Far Pastures House, all of our chats and of course all of the memories at the lake.  Thank you so much  for bringing the lake into our lives.  Your absence has been felt the past few years at the lake and we promise to honor you there for the rest of our days. 

I know that if you leave this world, Uncle Howie will be waiting for you with open arms.  It has been a long time since you have been with him and I am sure it will be wonderful to be reunited.  Noni, Pops and so many others are also there waitiing.....and I know it is selfish to want to keep you here for our sakes but we are just not ready to say good-bye.  I know we are very far away right now but please know that we are with you always and praying so hard for you right now.  I love you my beautiful Tante-O!



MamaB said...

Again, prayers and hugs to you and your family. She sounds like a fabulous lady!

Mom said...

She is very proud of all her girls, their gentlemen and all the "tiny ones". You have all brought much joy to her life, and I know she will leave another big hole in our hearts.
But our memories of "Tante-O" will always be there and ones that we will cherish forever.
She is one "Classy Lady"!

Connie said...


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