Only two more months and I will be loading the kids in the car and heading to the farm for our first week of our
CSA....I can't wait! What is a
CSA you ask?? Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way for people to buy shares of a local farmers crop for the growing season. Each person pays a one time fee and then each week you pick up your share of that weeks harvest. Some years/weeks are more fruitful than others but the food is AMAZING. I love trying to find creative ways to cook the interesting items that we receive. Have you ever cooked celery root???
This is our third year doing a
CSA but this year we moved to a new farmer. This year we will actually get to go to the farm to pick up our produce and they have many PYO (pick your own) opportunities as well. My little farmer Z is going to love driving over the farm, picking veggies and seeing where all of our delicious produce comes from. It should be great!

So what are you waiting for??? You too could have farm fresh organic veggies and fruits this growing season. It is a wonderful way to support your local farms and your family will benefit from all of the healthy and delicious food. Yes it is hard to prepay for your produce but if you are like my family, produce is half of our grocery bill every week! We love our fruits and vegetables and I try to only buy organic (especially the
dirty dozen).
Simple Mom does a whole article on eating healthy on a budget, there are a lot of good tips over there. I know that I am able to feed my family organic fruits and veggies, organic milk, free range and organic eggs, grass fed beef (S is the only one who eats beef), and organic free range chicken and my total grocery bill is usually only $125 a week. It can be done if you are creative, eat whole foods (cook from scratch), don't eat meat every day and know where to shop :)
Are any of you joining a CSA this year???
If you haven't yet entered my Reusies, reuseable sandwich and snack bag giveaway...please click
here to enter! All entries must be in by 11:59 PM tonight :)
Following back...Thanks for visiting me!
I know a lot of people who do this - it's a great thing :)
Sounds great!!!
It is so great. I have recently just heard about this and I'm going to see if there is something available in my area. :)
I love this idea! I usually just go to farmers markets although there aren't as many in this area as there were when I lived in VA, I'm going to miss that! And thanks for sharing the Dirty Dozen link!
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