Thursday, April 1, 2010

Focus on the Family--April

March was a busy but good month.  We got soooo much done!  C has been doing well with her baby bootcamp, we are slowly decluttering our home and we had a lot of special family time.  I am most excited to report that we finally accomplished something in the Mama and Papa category!!! Yipee :)  Papa and I really need to focus on our working out though.  My last 10 pounds will not come off without some serious effort....time to get moving!!!  If you would like to participate in "Focus on the Family" head over and visit Connie at the Young and the Relentless

Family Time
*Get up to the Lake for a night
*Get to Church
*start our family garden and compost bin
*help S's parents get their house ready for sale
*help my parents stain the cottages at the lake

Z and C Time
*Continue with C's sleep training
*Do a cooking project or science experiment every week Z
*get outside as much as we can
*Take them on at least one adventure
*Try out cloth diapering

Momma Time
*MOMS night out
*Start my workout plan (run a few times)
*Call my doctor for a physical
*Finish another one of my many self-help books :)
*Finish my journal for Lil' C's scrapbook

Momma and Papa Time
*Get our tubby selves off the couch and work out!!!
*Have a few nights of no TV....just talking
*Finally go out for a meal w/ one of our gift cards (Mom can you babysit???)

Home Time
*Attack the garage and upstairs hall for Project Declutter The House
*Continue to work on living frugally--still loving this cruise ship
*Create the chore list for the spring (painting, downstairs bath etc.)
*get a lawn mower and lay down mulch

This month I am grateful for my house.  When S and I first bought this house, we figured we would be here for 5 years and then move to something a little larger.  Weeks after we bought, the real estate market crashed and we have already been here 4 years and don't plan on moving anytime soon.  Our house may need some major repairs but we have done the best we can with what we have got and I can honestly say that this is HOME :)  We might not have the nicest things and many things need to be replaced but it is cozy here and I love it and I am so lucky that we have it!

Happy April Everyone!!!  What's your family plan this month??


Connie said...

My plan will be up this afternoon...with Mr. Linky!

I'm still so touched that you do this with me every month. LOVE YOU!

I want to plant a garden so much but I don't know if we're going to be moving. :(

You are a great month planned!

Sharon said...

What a great idea - I love that you are intentionally making plans each month. I've got to tell Nature Boy about this!!

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