Z was so excited to pick the winner of today's ReUsies™ giveaway.
Here is the bowl of contestants.....
Here he is sticking his hand in to pick the winner........
And the winner of the ReUsies™ reusable snack bag and lunch bag is........

And now her daughter's lunch bag will have a little more breathing room :)
Thanks to everyone for entering. If you did not win, you should go check out their website and place an order. In honor of Earth Day, you will get 10% off of your order PLUS free shipping and handling! Simply enter the Redemption Code of EARTH at checkout!
I want to thank Becky at ReUsies™ for having such a wonderful product, for sending me two more great bags and for helping to make this giveaway possible. I want my own snack and sandwich bag (since S and the kids have taken ownership of the ones we currently own) and so I am off to place an order with my mom and sister.....since they didn't win :)
Happy Tax Day!
YAY! Jen won! I love Jen....
Congrats Jen!
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