For the past two months Z and I have been going and going like Energizer bunnies ;) We have had something to do every day (sometimes more than once a day) and have had a blast doing it all. It really has been a fun summer so far :)
Last weekend when I turned the calendar from July to August a wide grin crept across my face. The first week of August looked much like June and July....jam packed with things to do. The rest of the month had nothing written on it other than "LAKE" :) For the next 3-4 weeks (as long as I can go in my "state"), Z and I will be "resting" at the lake. We are both very excited :)
This week has been hectic packing for such a long period of time. As S keeps pointing out, there is a washer/dryer, a new great grocery store and he will be back and forth for long weekends so we really don't have to pack the entire house :) I am just trying to prepare for everything. I need my laptop so I can work on editing home movies (and blog occasionally), my sewing machine so I can finish a few of the quilt projects I am working on (the babies is almost done!!), all of the potty training supplies in hopes that we work on that during our vacation and then there are crafts, games and toys to bring to keep Z occupied if it rains 10 out of 14 days like it did last year. Not to mention all of the other "essential" things that are needed by a pregnant woman and her toddler :)
I will not be disappearing for the whole month, I do have limited internet access and have lined up a few special guest bloggers for the month :) I do hope that the weather is decent (at least better than last year) and that Z and I get to go swimming, fishing, build our sandcastles and enjoy this special time with our family before the new baby arrives this fall.
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
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