>What can be better than having a tiny one running to you, with open arms, smiling ear to ear? What can be better than having a tiny one sleeping peacefully on your shoulder? What can be better than having a tiny one hold your hand with trust and love? What can be better than being a parent? BEING A GRANDPARENT!
Becoming a parent was one of the greatest things that ever happened to my husband and I. We were very lucky to become parents three times - resulting in three adorable baby girls, that became three very lively toddlers, three very active young ladies, three beautiful women, and now two of them have become wonderful parents themselves. Now these events have taken 32 years to this point, thirty-two fabulous years of joy and wondrous opportunities.
Don’t worry; senility has not set in quite yet. Just like a woman who has gone through labor forgets the pain once she is holding her newborn (or everyone would be an only child), parents forget the difficult times of raising children when they are holding their grandchild. I think it might have something to do with the phrase “revenge is sweet”.
My girls were very lucky to grow up with their grandparents (Noni and Pops) a constant part of their lives. However, I never really understood the relationship. My mom use to say, just wait until you’re a grandmother. That was really the last thing on my mind as I ran from dance lessons, Girl Scouts, field hockey and soccer. Then I began hearing the same thing from friends.
I remember the moment the girls told me they were pregnant. Emotions run high in our family, and this was no different. Worrying about your “baby” and excitement are just a couple of the emotions that you go through when you find out your child is expecting. The day my first grandchild (Z) was born, two friends welcomed me to the “Grandparent Club”. This is a very selective group of people :)
We live close enough (an extra special bonus), that we can see our grandchildren often. As my husband says, he needs his “Z and G fix” every week. As a grandparent, you get to love and spoil your grandchildren. You get to spend time with them doing fun things. Yes, there is always some disciplining that may need to go on, but on the whole it is usually doing fun things. Then, when things get sticky (like really messy diapers, cranky, overtired babies, or just you need a break) you can give them back. How good is that? Being a grandparent is the best of all worlds – all the joys of parenthood without the stress. What more can you ask for?
So, as you are going through the “joys of parenthood” – remember that someday you may have the opportunity to become a grandparent. It will be your turn to be there to support and help, when asked. Or, if you choose, you can tell your child or child-in-law the right and/or wrong way to raise that grandchild of yours. Maybe that’s where the phrase “revenge is sweet” came from. My mother followed the first path, as I hope I am. Whether you are a parent or grandparent, children are a very special gift.
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
I wish my parents felt this way. :(
Z (and future baby) are very lucky children!
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