Here's a story about a boy named Z who's parents did not think he was ready to move to a "big boy" bed. One day Z woke up at his grandparents house, after an uncomfortable night in his pack n play and said, "I'm too big for crib!". His parents looked at one another with sheepish grins and knew that the boy was right. He had outgrown that pack n play 7lbs and 6 inches ago......
So off to Babies R Us they went to buy a bed rail for the grandparents house. When what to their wondering eyes should they see??? A miniature Elmo bed complete with Elmo bedding. Z climbed right in and laid down his sweet head and the parents looked up to see the heavens shining down. Yes this was the answer to all of their crib worry....a toddler bed.....a toddler bed!
Z's daddy went off to purchase this bed and Z could not contain his excitement! He was incredibly giddy about the opportunity to bring home this new Elmo bed ;) As soon as the family returned to their home the bed was assembled by Z and his dad. They worked as a team and Z could not wait to go to bed. His parents prepared for a long sleepless night, they turned on Z's new nightlight and tucked him into his new bed.
Downstairs they crept and to the monitor they listened, waiting to hear tiny footsteps above. No sound was heard, Z fell right to sleep and did not wake until 7:30 the next morning! His parents checked on him a bunch and smiled at what they saw......he looked so grown up in his brand new bed, no more cribs for Z anymore.
Nap times (or rest times) have also gone well as he has a new digital clock to keep him in his room. He knows he can sleep (which he has), read or rest and when it says 3:33 mom will be back to get him and play.
Now it's off to the lake for a month (maybe less) where there is no Elmo Bed. What will happen??? Nobody knows but Z has shown us that he is far more ready than his parents have given him credit for and hopefully he will adapt to the beds there as well. Now onto Potty Training :)
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
Yay Z!!! That is so awesome! We found that when we went to a toddler bed and then on vacay a pallet on the floor was a lot easier then in a big person bed. Less chance of hearing boom in the night!
He is too cute in it!!
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