If you had told me 10 years ago that these words would someday bring me such joy....I would have thought you were crazy! But as many of you mom's who have potty trained a small child know....these words are like music to the ear :)
Z made a huge leap in his potty training journey last week....he started pooping on the potty! S told him that if he pooped on the potty two times he could go to Chuck E Cheese....two days later we were playing ski ball and winning cheesy prizes :) Something just clicked and now that he is over his fear of pooping on the potty, he can't get enough. He is like a little old man when it comes to pooping. He grabs a few books, sits back on the potty and is in there for 20 minutes at a time. He "reads" his books outloud and I can hear him laughing and talking to himself. By the time he is finished, his little bum is so red from sitting on the potty seat for so long :) Then I hear, "Mommy, come look at my poop!"
It has been absolutely wonderful but I do have to be honest.....I now look forward to the day when I hear, "Don't worry mom, I can wipe my own bum now." That will be like the Hallelujah chorus....
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
HA!! I totally needed a laugh today. THANK YOU!! Hilarious!!
And congratulations to your little one!!
Yay for pooping on the potty!!! It brings them and you such joy doesn't it? Hey at this stage you will take any small victory!! Good job Z!!
Haha this is priceless! What a great laugh you gave me!
Way to go Z!!!
Congrats Z!!! That's awesome! Lots of praise!
I have a funny poop story. My oldest was turning 2. She just started to figure out the whole pull down your pants thing. We were having her birthday party and she pulled her diaper down and pooped in the yard right in front of all the guests. Everyone started cheering. It's a really gross but oddly fond memory!
I understand you and definitely one day it's going to be music to my ears, too.
That is adorable (never though I'd be saying that about poop) lol
lol that is cute though! Trust me my 4 year old is finally starting to wipe on his own but I still have 1 left in diapers. :P
I totally know how you feel. My 4 year old is finally figuring out how to wipe but I still have one left in diapers to worry about. :P
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