Oh the things I could get done if there were three of me! I would give one of me to Z, one to C and the other would spend two hours of the day cooking and cleaning and the rest of the time relaxing, working out, reading, sleeping, blogging....all of the things I would love to be doing. Right now I feel torn into three pieces and it is not a good feeling at all. How does one wipe a poopy bum while breastfeeding and making banana bread??? It might seem impossible but somehow I was able to accomplish all three of these tasks at one time (okay, not all at once but pretty darn close).
I recently heard that women spend their lives multi-tasking while men like to focus on one thing. I find this to be sooooo true. I am always thinking of the next 5 things that I need to do, while S gets overwhelmed if more than one thing is happening at once. You should see me before I breastfeed the baby.... I make sure Z is happy (snack, drink, activity), grab the phone, book or remote, nursing pillow, snack and drink for me, the baby's medication, her blanket and balance this all while holding the baby. By the time I get to the couch I am EXHAUSTED :) I look just like Rachel Ray when she carries all of her cooking ingredients from the fridge to the counter at once.
So yes, another two of me to go around would be great :) That way at least one of me would be well rested, showered, have her hair done, wear something other than yoga pants and be able to take in all of the wonderful that I am missing by being so sleep deprived and crazy all of the time. Oh that would be nice.
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
tee hee. Just like Rachel Ray - I probably look like that when Boo Boo and I go upstairs for our pre-bed snuggle time.
two snacks, books, water, maybe a glass of wine for mama, toys that need to go back upstairs....
and I don't need to tell you it is all worth it...
3 is a magic number...school house rock said so!!
When you find the place to made a copy of you please, let me know. I think I need like 10 me,haha.
This too shall pass, and you will wonder how it passed so quickly. I watch you and your sister and think back to doing the same exact things when you three were little and feeling the same exact way you are feeling now. The emotions have faded and I look at my three girls and my three grandchildren and realize it was so worth it. HOWEVER, you are no where near that point yet. So, just keep thinking that - this too shall pass. Just don't wish it away too quickly.
Love you all!
First of all, no one in their right mind should be making banana bread with 2 little kids around, lol. Wait until the baby is older and then bake up a storm, you can survive without. It is all about survival right now, it is the name of the game! You are doing awesome though. Things will get easier and yes you will even miss this time so try to enjoy it and having someone make you some banana bread or pick it up at the store. :o)
Your mom's comment is so sweet. Just think of how great you are at appreciating the little things in life....never did I dream an uninterrupted shower could feel so heavenly...or how sweet it is to eat a whole dessert (or meal) yourself...or how truly, truly precious every second of sleep is! And as impossible as it seems, you are one amazing woman doing the work of (at least!!!) three men! And doing it so well! kudos mom!
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