This has been a tough week for sleep in the Raising Z house. On Sunday night I thought it would be a great idea to have Lil' C sleep in her crib for the first time....little did I know she was about to start her 4 month growth spurt! Lil' C had been sleeping in her little rocking chair since she got sick in the middle of February. Rather than transitioning her back into her bassinet and then move her to the crib, I decided to cut out the middle man :) I nursed her to sleep (exactly what the books tell you not to do) and softly placed her into her crib (I had elevated it a bit to help with her reflux). I snuck out of her room, took a deep breath and prayed that she would sleep for a few hours. S and I were amazed that it worked and we snuggled in to watch the Academy Awards pre-show stuff :)
About an hour and a half later, she woke up and stared at the video monitor camera. She did not make a peep and eventually put herself back to sleep. We gave each other a high five, made a comment about how this was so much easier than Z's transition and went back to watching TV. An hour later she woke again and demanded to be fed. From that point on she woke every hour and on the alternate hours demanded food. The little thing acted like she had not had a meal in days....she was so ravenous! S and I alternated going in to soothe her and neither of us slept very much. Our last attempt at sleep was at 6 AM when S returned to bed after rocking Lil' C.....we had at least an hour before Z woke up. WRONG! For the first time ever, Z came running into our room at 6:05 saying..."George gets out of bed by himself mommy". Z usually wakes at 7 and waits for us to come in and get him, Thanks Curious George!
Monday night was almost a carbon copy of Sunday night and then last night it started off the same. At 3 AM S went into rock Lil' C and I snuggled in to catch a few minutes of sleep when I heard the pitter patter of little feet. Z had had a bad dream (his 5th bad dream about robots) and so I ended up in his room rubbing his back. No sleep for me.
So now S and I are running on auto-pilot, like two zombies going through the day. We hope that C is at the end of her spurt and will now get some sleep. We need to also fix Z's digital clock and tell him to play quietly in his room until 7 :)
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
Oh Mama Z I am so sorry! I completely understand and if I could I would jump through the computer and watch the kids so you could go take a nap! I sure hope C does get into a better routine sleeping in her crib. Nothing worse then finally getting the baby down to then hear the pitter patter of little feet! Take care, rest if you can and know that there are a lot of us out here shaking our heads in agreement and understanding for what you are going through!
Oh and Lil C is absolutely friggin adorable! I so want to nom nom nom those little cheeks!
i am so in the zombie mode too.
Oh no.....I hate zombie mode! Hang in there, it can only get better!!!!
Oh no! This sounds terrible! I have no idea what it is like but I work with a woman who has a 2 year old and a 10 month old and she was just saying this week how she has had no sleep all week long. I hope things get better for you!
So sorry, I hope this pass soon.
Oh, that sneaky little monkey! i tell you....George is always gettin' people in trouble!
*Sprinkling Sleepy Fairy Dust on your Houshold*
Yikes! Sorry about the rough couple of nights. Seems with two those little munchkins know to tag-team ya, huh?! Hope things are settling down for you now. My Lil' C is sending some of her good sleeping vibes to your Lil' C :)
Okay she is seriously a total doll! The sleep thing is so hard, Taryn is still not sleeping and last night as really bad. I'm hoping for a better night for the both of us!
She is so cute! I hope the sleep issues resolve soon.
She is so cute!! I hear ya on the no sleeping thing....who says Moms need sleep right?
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