Truthfully, it was not that bad at all. Yes we have an old school TV and maybe that is why it wasn't so awful...TV is not really a priority for us. S did not give it up for the week but considering all he is going through right now, TV was the only time of the day where he didn't have to worry or think. It was his escape and that was fine with me. I too watched a movie with him one night because I too was emotionally drained and watching The Hangover allowed me to escape for a bit too.
As for Z....he did great!!! He helped me brainstorm the list above and we were able to do most of the things on that list. We baked, read at least a hundred of book (no exaggeration), went to the library, had daily walks, played cars, trains, pretended we were Buzz and Woody, baked, played outside....it was wonderful. Z didn't ask for TV once, he did ask for the Wii but I explained that we couldn't play that either. I am thinking of not telling him that the week is over (is that wrong?!?). It is just that he has been in such a great mood, is easier to get ready in the morning and has dramatically reduced his pouting and fussing. His imaginative play exploded over the week and I knew that the child loved books but this week I have never seen him "read" so many books. He was constantly looking at books, asking me to read him books....it was WONDERFUL! So do I have to tell him?? ;)
Here are some pictures of our week....

Click on the button above to go and visit MommyBrain (you will LOVE her) if you want to play along too!
So this week the topic is JEALOUSY....something that we all suffer from now and again (even if we don't admit it).
So this week the topic is JEALOUSY....something that we all suffer from now and again (even if we don't admit it).
She said we could share a story or a list of things that make us jealous.....I decided to go with the list of five little things that make me a little bit jealous :)
- Ladies with Nice Straight Hair--I would love easy to manage, pretty straight hair :)
- People who tan nicely--I burn so easily and try to avoid the sun (I know that it is healthier but it would be nice to get some color).
- Ladies who can eat whatever they want, don't work out and have a great figure (NUFF said :)).
- People who can dance--I wish I had some rhythm but I just don't.
- People with babies who sleep through the night at 6 weeks old :)---Oh, that would be a dream.....
Great job with No TV week! I think in this house Collin and I could survive, but my husband would have nothing to do with it.
Number 3 in your list up there - ditto! Lol.
This sounds fantastic! It is great to show Z what life is like without a TV while he is young and if you keep doing it now and again as he grows up he'll learn to enjoy other things rather than going directly to the TV right away.
Great job with no TV. I'm thinking of having one day a week where we don't watch TV...but I think I will also have to extend it to the iPad too.
Your jealousy of the straight hair...I just bought one of those straightening irons and used it this morning for the first time. Took about 10 minutes but it worked great! $20 from Walmart. I'll tell you the brand if you want.
I've got the "nice" straight hair ... trust me, it's way overrated! All the others, I am right there with you! Good thing pastey-white is the norm here in the NW :) Oh, and I can dance - I just don't get the chance to go OUT dancing anymore ... but the living room dance floor is always open ;)
Thanks for playing and for the shout-out!
Way to go finishing No TV week!!
We are BAD in our household...not sure if we (mostly I) could do it!!
WOW! Good job on NO TV! Was work on your dance moves one of your activities?
Congrats on the No TV week!!! Sounds like the family really enjoyed their time together! And I agree I would let Z think that the week isn't over yet. Just wait until he asks for the Wii again and then say ok but just a few minutes and he will think your the most awesome Mom!
Ditto on the list of jealousys!
I want straight hair and a tan too!
I love your idea of no tv. Once you get going with that, the possibilities are endless!
;o;z...I a tan and I envy those with white porcelain skin...Guess God would think "you are never satisfied with what you have"!
I think if I did no tv for a week my son would go into withdrawal...it is a great idea though...
I will say that straight hair is not easy to manage, and everyone with straight hair wishes they had some curl :) I know this first hand. But tanning easily is nice :)
It was a week full of things to do, great.
Have a great week.
My one year old stull does not sleep through the night consistently. I'm not jealous of those who's children sleep through the night--I just hate them.
Just reading your post about no TV is inspiring to me. I have always been tempted to shut off the TV here at my house for many reasons. My husband isn't of the same opinion so I haven't done a week like you have. When my husband deploys this summer I'm thinking I should definitely try a week without TV with my kids. I think it will be hard, but like you found very rewarding. Good for you for doing that; I think that is wonderful.
I used to love when the school where I taught did No TV/screen Week. My students and I made journals about what we did, and I was always surprised at what a break it was from my regular routine to be forced. The hardest for me is not being able to use my computer!
As for jealousy...are there really babies who sleep through the night at 6 weeks?? Sometimes I wonder if those parents are using the "6 hours straight" rule and pretending that's really through the night. I didn't consider SP as sleeping through until he slept through MY night, not just 6 hours from when I put him down at 7 p.m.!
No TV??? Wow! I am impressed! The pics were nice too!
As for jealousy...ahhh....my blog probably says alot and I didn't even do this MeMe!
I just stopped by from 2010-Year of Miracles...
Tagged you :)
amazing, isn't it? We haven't had TV for about 5 years (just watch videos on DVD) and I don't know what I would do without all the "found time"! Glad your week went well!
Found your blog through Mass Hole Mommy. That is a great idea to do, no tv for a week. I think more parents should do that. Kids these days don't play outside or do anything but play video games or go on the internet for hours.
Kids are amazing.
Just The Cheese
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