My sister married her high school sweetheart...not many people can say that. She followed the footsteps of my parents (also high school sweethearts) and in early January she had her fairy tale wedding.
K and M started dating in the 8th grade. They dated for a few months, shared their first kiss on the roof of a shed at a friends party and then she dumped him a few weeks later. Senior year in high school their paths crossed again (they attended different high schools) and they started dating again. This time they dated for 9 years. Their relationship was tested time and again as they attended different colleges (3 hours away), moved to Costa Rica together for a few months and M even lived in Wyoming for a year. Now they are facing yet another day after their wedding, M entered into the Police Academy. He must live there for 4 months and will only see his bride on weekends, this means no honeymoon for K and M for at least a year :( Everything that they they go through, seems to make them stronger....they are meant to be together.
Their wedding was a fairy tale, set on the lake, it was a winter wonderland. People were skating, snowmobiling and ice fishing. The Christmas decorations were still a glow and the Inn looked like an Adirondack lodge.
We checked in on New Years Day for our weekend getaway. Z fell in love with hotel and quickly learned his way around. The weekend was filled with dinners, a spa day, pool time for Z and many wedding preparations.
As family started to arrive, you could feel the excitement building. The ceremony and reception were both in the Inn which made life with Z very easy. Once our hair and make-up was done we got into our dresses and Z got into his tux. After one last glance in the mirror, I turned around and saw my sister for the first time. I welled up with tears...I could not believe that my baby sister was getting married! She looked amazing. My friend S (the photographer) said she looked like a delicious meringue :)
The ceremony was something like you would see in a movie. Z and my niece G did a great job coming down the aisle (unlike the rehearsal). Once the 11 groomsmen, 5 bridesmaids and 2 bridesmen were in place, the room filled with anticipation. M teared up as he saw my sister walk into the room...this left most of the bridesmaids in tears. They were both so happy! M's best friend's dad married them and the ceremony was so personal. I wrote a piece that I read for them, M's best friend did as well and K's friend recited a poem. They wrote their own vows and the audience hung on to every word....there were very few dry eyes in the room.
Once the ceremony was done, it was time to party. The room was gorgeous filled with birch, hydrangeas and candle light. My sister and M paid attention to every detail and there were so many personal touches. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever attended.
Z was the first to hit the dance floor (besides the bride and groom) and if I let him he would have danced all night! My in-laws were there to help with Z and we had babysitters on hand to sit in my friends room and listen to Z and G's monitors. We had such a great time!
Dad wrote a song for K (he wrote one for each of his girls) and my sister L and I were beside her as he sang it to her. We were all in tears as he sang, it was a beautiful song. After the song we all hit the dance floor and danced all night long!!!!
It was a magical night.....a night we all needed considering the sadness that was waiting for us at home. Thanks K and M for including us in your wedding. Martha would be proud.
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
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