This is part of what I wrote to read at todays funeral. The picture is Noni and I on my first birthday.
"My Noni and Pops moved to be closer to the family when I was two years old. They were two of my most favorite people and played such an important role in my life. It is difficult to come up with a memory that they were not a part of. They were our only babysitters, attended most of our sporting events, cared for us when we were sick and entertained us with stories and songs.
Some of my most wonderful memories of my Noni and Pops happened at our summer home on the Lake. My grandparents had a trailer very close to our house and it is here where we shared many second breakfasts, spent hours playing board games (Yahtzee being the favorite), took many fishing trips which always resulted in no fish and most importantly….shared many laughs.
It is ironic that the last weekend I spent with each of my grandparents was at the lake.
My last weekend with Pops was Memorial Day weekend of 1995. For some reason I was alone for the weekend with my grandparents. We stayed in the 4 Bedroom Cottage, played lots of Yahtzee and had a great time. One month later, he died suddenly fixing a boat at the lake.
My last weekend with Noni was Labor Day of 2008. Again, we stayed in the Four Bedroom Cottage (this time with a full house), played lots of Yahtzee and had a great time. She had her stroke days later.
The past four months have been very difficult on my grandmother. The stroke did not affect the logical side of her brain and she knew all that was going on. However the side of the brain which brings joy and happiness to the body was affected and she also lost all of her independence, something that was so important to her.
Her final days were peaceful, filled with love from family and friends. She even joined us in song on Christmas Eve as we sang carols in her room. This past Sunday she bestowed a very special Christmas gift to those visiting….she told each of us that she loved us. It was a very special moment and the last words I heard her speak.
In her final hours we played old home videos so she could hear Pops’ voice. We told her that he was waiting and encouraged her to go to him. Noni passed away on the 12th day of Christmas, the Epiphany. So fitting since this is her favorite Christmas carol and was one of the last songs she ever sang.
So my Noni and Pops have been reunited once again... They have been apart for over 13 years.
I hope that they have found a lake up in heaven to park a small trailer near. If they have... I am sure that they have their CB radio on, are frying up hamburgers (I am sure Pops still can't catch a fish), and they are waiting for the rest of us to come and enjoy another game of Yahtzee with them.
I love you both Noni and Pops!
Enjoy the lake."
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
I'm so sorry. That was beautiful.
J - you did a wonderful job today. All of you did and it was a beautiful tribute to Noni. I am thinking of you and your family. Love you, L
We love you and know Noni loved you and your sisters more than life itself. You girls were her pride and joy. I am sure her friends got tried of hearing how wonderful her granddaughters were. Then add to that her three great grandsons-in-law, and her adorable were all her pride and joy.
Noni and Pops are looking down on you all and probably boring their heavenly neighbors with tales about "their kids"! Nothing changes...
Thank you for all you have done...
Love, Mom and Dad
i'm so sorry.
but i'm sure that you are so right...and i'm so glad that she had someone there to greet her and welcome her.
the memories sometimes creep up and make you sad ... but also happy, wouldn't you say?? because you HAVE those memories. those don't go away.
I am sorry for your loss. I haven't been here much and I am trying to catch up. I have a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I know how hard it is to lose that person you love so much.
your letter is beautiful. Just know you have to very special angels watching over you, S and Z.
Remind me to tell you the story of my grandmother and Brycen. She died 2 years before he was born.
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