For those of us on the east coast, the Inauguration happened during lunch time :) Z and I set out our picnic lunch in front of the TV and watched history in the making.
My eyes welled up with tears as I watched this momentous occasion. Z snuggled in close and watched quite a bit of the ceremony :) He really enjoyed Aretha Franklin's version of My Country Tis of Thee but decided to play a quiet golf game while VP Biden was sworn in. The composition arranged by John Williams was lost on him and so he began a loud game of basketball but when it was time for our new "Present" to be sworn in, he was silent again. He even listened to about 1/2 of his address :) I was impressed!
On the way up to read books before nap he kept saying "Present Omama, Present Omama". I know he will not remember anything about today but I am still happy that he and I got to watch it.
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
Good for you. I gave my older two kids permission to miss classes and go down to the gym to watch the inauguration. I didn't give my eight year old permission though, and she's still giving me heck.
Um, love? We're Canadian. We like the man...but honestly? I thought you'd be bored. Wrong!!!
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