Thank you everyone for your advice, and Shawna too (her comment wouldn't go through). We have a crib if we want it (we have had a few offers)!!!! After a lot of discussion we are going to play it by ear (I know, I know....first time parents make a big deal about everything!!). Z will be sleeping on an air mattress and in a big bed at the lake for a month, so who knows....maybe that will be the transition time he needs to move into the bed. If not we will take my BF's son's crib for a bit until he is ready :)
Z's current room is decorated just for him, it is just smaller than our other room. We decorated it for him when he turned 18 months (all sports and baseball) and he loves it. A few months ago we took out all the baby furniture and he got a new big boy dresser (well new to him), desk and a really cool shelf for all of his treasures and books. He LOVES his room and so the plan will be to just move one of the bunk beds in there when he is ready (hopefully this September). We have already ordered the bed rail :)
My big hesitation with moving him into a bed is purely selfish. He is not a good napper (naps every other day, every two days) and I count on that hour or 90 minutes of downtime each day to relax. I fear that if he was in a big bed, he would not be contained and therefore would never nap again. We will try it at the lake and see how it goes but there I have support and other people around to help me get the downtime I so desperately need :) That is the big reason why we are keeping him in his crib for now ;) I have been working with him on reading a digital clock and hope to put a sticky on the clock at the lake that tells him when he can get out of bed. We shall see how it goes :)
Thanks again everyone! I truly appreciate all of the comments, phone calls and emails I have gotten over the last few days and all of the wonderful advice :) Have a great weekend!!!
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
Hey, just wanted to put in my two cents :-) Aaron has been in a "big boy bed" for a couple months now.. (converted rail just like you describe) and its been okay.. Yes, the new found freedom can be irritating at times, but we still use the baby gate on his door when we need to.. and he has plenty of toys in his room.. we put him to bed at 8pm, but he turns the light on and plays sometimes till 9pm.. but he knows to stay in his room and we turn off his lights when we go to bed. Just gotta go with the flow sometimes. - Christina
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