I think I mentioned before that we decided not to move Z from his room or his crib. We thought with all the changes coming down the pike, this would be just too much for him. The child LOVES his room and his crib and I can see him sleeping in his crib for the next 20 years. There might be a time when we take the side off and convert it into a day bed, but he loves his crib.
We were lucky enough to inherit a crib for the baby. It only needed a new mattress so for less than $100 we had a solution to our crib problem. This past weekend, after getting home from our vacation, we decided to put the crib together (well I guess I begged S to do it). Half way through assembling it, I burst into tears. It seemed very old (not even on the manufacturers website anymore) and rickety. If Z climbed up on it to see the baby, the whole thing would fall apart (no exaggeration). I thought of SIDS and all of the other horrible things that can happen to babies in bad cribs and started to freak out.
S was a bit calmer and suggested that we put the entire thing together before we decide. "We have a few months to figure this out," he said. Within minutes his frustration got the best of him and he started yanking the thing apart and used a few vulgar words. He too decided that it was a death trap and it was headed straight for the dump (the next time they were open). I just hung my head and cried. He put his arm around me and told me that we would buy a new crib, no big deal.
So I started to research new cribs.....they can be a bit pricey! For us to get a mattress and even a cheapo crib, it was going to be close to $300. We have a lot of other things we need to buy for this baby (not to mention our insurance rates just went up) and so I could feel my heart racing. Nobody is selling second hand cribs anymore due to the new laws about baby furniture (although I am not sure I want something second hand unless it is less than 5 years old) and so I started to cry again (got to love hormones).
I told my sister of our dilemma and she thought I was crazy. "Why would you spend money on something you don't need?" was her reaction. She reminded me that we have bunk beds in one room and Z's crib will convert into a double bed....we really don't need any more furniture. She suggested that the baby spend the first few months in the bassinet and then move into the pack n play until Z is ready for a big bed. We can always un-bunk one of the beds and move it into his room so that he doesn't have to move. Once again I could feel the tears welling up.....this baby isn't even born yet and is already getting the shaft. Z had a dream nursery and this baby will have a pack n play.....my crib set will not fit in the pack n play :(
So what do you think? What should we do?? S said we should try to get Z in a bed now, but is it too late for that at this point? I don't want him to think that the baby is taking things away from him and I am not sure I am ready for him to be FREE. I agree with my sister about not needing to spend the money on the crib, but is the pack n play the best option? "The baby will never know and plenty of kids sleep in pack n plays!" she pointed out. I know I am making a bigger deal of this than I should, after all Z slept in a bouncy chair for 6 months! Any advice would be welcome :)
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
Hi! I have been following your blog via A Bun's Life for awhile...I am due with my second on Aug 10th and I am right there with you! My oldest is 2, about 3 months ago we converted her crib to a toddler bed (4 in 1 crib). We will have "cookie" in the bassinet in our room for the first 2-3 months. Then we plan on using the pack-n-play until around Christmas. At that time we are going to make a huge to do over converting our second bedroom into Amelia's big girl room! Let her pick the bedding, decor (to a point). But really try to get her involved with how Santa is going to "magically" change the second bedroom into her room because she is a big girl. Just try and make it the coolest thing ever. Then move "cookie" into the nursery. But if all of that doesn't work then we will keep "cookie" in the pack in play for a while longer until Amelia is ready to move.
I know Z loves is bed and room, but he is the big brother now and wouldn't it be nice if he got a whole new room to show his a big boy and not a baby anymore?? Just my two cents...
Let's think back to our family history (yours actually)...you slept in the basket until you were 6 months old (when you flipped out of it). You then moved into your crib, still in our room, your's wasn't ready yet. You finally moved into your room. Then LB was born and you were still in your crib. She spent the first few months in the basket, we moved, and you two shared our future dining room (you in the crib, then a family youth bed and LB in the porta-crib.
So, life goes on and you all survived. If anyone should feel slighted, it should be LB. One of her bedrooms was a future bathroom:)
So, I am sure this little one will feel loved no matter what it sleeps in. Might as well get some use out of that pack-and-play. It held laundry when Z was a baby. Keep Z in his room and his crib until he is ready to move. Then move the bunk into his room. Maybe he will want to move to the big room and decorate it his way. Then the new one will have a nursery. Where ever this baby sleeps it will be so loved by all that it won't care where it sleeps. But it will have fuel to make you feel guilty when it gets older. So, save the guilt until then.
Love, Mom
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time right now. I think if you think Z is ready...you have plenty of time to transfer him to a big boy bed.
We put our boy in his several months ago and it wasn't as big a deal as I thought it was going to be.
Talk to Z about a big boy bed and see what kind of response you get.
O is still in a convertible crib/bed for a matter of weeks now, and L's crib was ready for her birth. We put her in the co-sleeper for months and then her crib in our room. (PS You can have our crib...)
PS Now thanks to your mother I understand why you and S are always so ready for overnights anywhere/anyplace :) Good training!!
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