That is what we have done over the last week. We have gone from the lazy days of August to the craziness that is September. Between 4 days of school, getting the house back in order after being away, doctors appointments, canning tomatoes and salsa and a trip to our CSA......we were all EXHAUSTED. It was a hard week and I am not sure who it was hardest on, the kids or me. Based on the huge meltdown that I had on Friday afternoon over a dozen broken eggs (this meltdown was complete with tears, yelling and laughing), that it was ME.
Looking around at the other mothers in town, most of whom are trying to cram in a whole lot more than me, September is crazy for everyone. I have to remind myself to take a deep breath, focus on the important things (the KIDS) and let some things go (canning 3 types of salsa...really??). I know it will take a month or so to get into our new routine and because of this we have planned lots of lazy mornings. The beauty of afternoon preschool is that you have all morning to hang out in your jammies and play, that is if you schedule time for it. So that is what we are trying to do at least 2 times a week.
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
Take it easy, girl!! New routines are always hard. Try to do one thing at a time.
Don't forget that I'm always here to hear you.
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