Monday, September 26, 2011

Z's Birthday Tree

Today my baby boy turns 5.  He officially leaves the baby stage of life and heads into the young child stage.  This leaves me with such mixed emotions :(  I am so proud of the little boy he has become but I so miss the baby that I use to snuggle up with.  Today, while Z is at school, I will spend some time looking through his photo books and watching old videos.  I will most likely sob through the whole ordeal.  Then when I pick him up from school,  I will hug my big boy and tell him how proud I am of him and how excited I am for this next stage of his life.  He is such a special person.

We have celebrated 5 in a big way :)  He had two parties (one at the lake in early September with family and one here on Friday with friends).  For his birthday present, Z asked to go to Story Land and so we did that last weekend, this morning we will have our traditional cake for breakfast (well Z is going to have a birthday cookie but the rest of us will eat cake ;)) and my dad is coming into his classroom for the special birthday ceremony that they do.  This year Z also asked for a "Birthday Tree".  He wanted to decorate it with the Peace Ornaments he made at school and wanted his smaller presents under the tree (Story Land wouldn't fit).  Considering how much I love Christmas and the fact that it is only 60 days until we would have put it up anyway....we did it!  It is in his room and he LOVES it :)

Happy Birthday Z, I love you more than words can say.  Thanks for making me the happiest mommy in the world and for giving me the best job on the planet.

I LOVE you 100 x 5 x 1,000,000 x INFINITY more :)

Story Land Pictures

 A Few Birthday Party Pictures From Friday


MommyLisa said...

WOW - what a birthday!

Connie said...

Happy Birthday Z!

I hope he had a great day!

Mom said...

We are so mother and daughter...I cried reading this post. I can't believe the first baby of my first baby is 5 years old. It was just yesterday I was so surprised the baby was a boy. I don't do boys! Then to hold that little one for the first time, when he was only an hour old, was such a joy.
You've come a long way, Baby, and oh the places you still have to go! I am so blessed that I can continue watching you on your wonderful journey.
Happy Birthday, Z!
Love you,
Neene (and ChiChi too!)

Annie said...

So glad he had a great day.

Happy Birthday Z!!! God bless you!!!!!

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