This past week, Scott was away on a very long trip to the west coast (both business and pleasure). The kids and I took a Sparkle Story called Daddycation and decided to change it up a bit. This past week while Daddy was away we had our own Mommycation! In the story, Martin and Sylvia create scrapbooks with Dream Pages of what they would like to do over the course of the week. We created our own scrapbooks and had a lot of fun seeing those dreams come to life.
We spent time having dinner with friends, playing outside, sipping homemade milkshakes, had a visit from my dad, set up our own mini golf course, finally colored the rocket ship (thanks Uncle B), had our Friday Night Nest, Mommy had a grown up playdate with her friends Rose and Pinot Grigio :), spent the day at my parents, read lots of stories, baked, visited the library and went bowling! There were some bumps along the way... Z got a fluke fever for 12 hours and we had a few cancellations due to sick family members....but overall it was great.
One of my highlights of the week was getting a text from Scott at 10:50 Saturday night. It said, "I Love You". This text was sent right after the wedding ceremony and made my heart melt. It was nice to know that the love of the ceremony made him think of me and that even though we haven't seen each other much for the last two weeks (he has been swamped with work, family stuff and travel)....I am always in his thoughts :) I am looking forward to some serious family time when he returns.
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
Fun week you had.
Have a blessing week.
Sorry we missed one of Z's dreams for Mommycation - a sleepover, but we will make it up soon. I couldn't believe how quickly he went down.
Hope the rest of Mommycation was fun.
It was a great idea! It was also nice visiting with you and the kids on Saturday. Glad we were part of your Mommycation.
Love you all!
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