Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Not on the To-Do List

Monday was the kind of day that was planned down to the minute.  With a long To-Do list, a bunch of Kitchen Work to do and my first major project for my class was important to have the day planned out carefully.  On the way back from dropping Z off from school, Lil'C took my plan and tossed it out the window.  The poor little bug started tossing her cookies when only 2 minutes from home :(  The poor thing must have had some post nasal drip, as there were no other symptoms, and decided to get rid of it the only way she knew how.

I went into Momma Survival Mode and took her soggy body out of the car, stripped her down in the very cold garage and left the doors and windows open in the car.  I bathed and dressed her, got her set with a movie and went to work on my car.  An hour and a half later I was finished but already so behind on the day.  I decided to put my list aside and snuggle up with my little bug for a few books.  Once this was done I sent her off to play and got started on the most important things on my list.

The To-Do list was not completed that day,  I was up very late working on my project and somehow I managed to get by with some food I had already prepped that was in the freezer.  Life (God?) was telling me to slow down and count my blessings.  This often happens when I am feeling overwhelmed and ragged and it is nice to have things put back into perspective, although I could have done without the puke in the car seat :)


Anonymous said...

Oh well.
Life happens while you're keeping busy
and while you're standing still.
Bless the little puke.
Thanks for the company on our piglet journey.
GpJ & Mimi

Connie said...

Ah....that's what this is.

I've got two sick kids and a to-do list a mile long.

I hope everyone is doing better today!

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