One year ago we rang in 2009 at my sister's Bachelorette party. It was a great start to her three night winter wedding weekend. The wedding was held at a beautiful hotel in Northern New England and every detail was carefully attended to. The weekend was wonderful but filled with emotion. As we celebrated her marriage to her high school sweetheart, my grandmother was losing her 4 month battle after a severe stroke.
K got married on January 3rd and my Noni passed away three days later. It was a relief to see her go as she had suffered so much but we still didn't know what life would be like without her in it. She was one of my favorite people in the world and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her or miss her terribly.
At Noni's funeral, the priest told the 5 grandchildren to make a wish when he lifted the host into the air. Ten and a half months later my wish came baby girl was born. I kept telling everyone that if I had a girl, it would be my Noni's baby. She would have wanted me to have a girl and sure enough, she made it happen. Because of this Little C's middle name is Evelyn, after my Noni (S's mom and grandmother are also named Evelyn :)).
Despite my Noni's passing, 2009 proved to be a very good year. We have had too many blessings to count but our two little cherubs are at the top our list. They make us smile each and every day and S and I can't imagine life without them. Another one of our many blessings is our wonderful support network of family and friends. And we are truly grateful that everyone remained relatively healthy in 2009 and that we were able to spend the holidays with most of the special people in our lives, including S's three remaining grandparents who are 88, 90 and 90!!!
As we go into the New Year, my resolution is to find balance in my life. I hope to find more time for myself (to work out and lose this baby weight), live in the moment with my children (give them my undivided attention) and work on decluttering my life. I hope that 2010 brings happiness and that any challenges that arise will be met with strength and courage.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year!!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Good-bye 2009....
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Thursday, December 31, 2009 5 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
What a Holly Jolly Christmas!
Z has enjoyed the holidays so much this year. If you ask him what season it is he will respond with, "The Holiday Season." The child has been walking around since the middle of November singing Christmas carols, quoting holiday movies (Rudolph is his favorite) and pointing out great holiday decorations (he is his momma's child). He helped write his first letter to Santa this year, spoke to the big guy on the Polar Express and did such a good job picking out toys for Toys for Tots.
Christmas morning was such a treat for S and I. Z had to be woken up (I am sure that is the last year that will happen) and was timid coming down the stairs. His face lit up as he saw the stockings filled above the fireplace and then his eyes quickly darted to the tree. There he saw many of the things on his list (thankfully his list was short) and walked over to check them out (Santa does not wrap in our house). He then checked out C's things and started talking a mile a minute about all of the things that Santa had left behind. He kept telling us that the elves made all of the was precious.
After three days of travel.....a night at my mom's, a night at home and then a night at S's parents house.....we were exhausted. This week has been all about getting back on a schedule, eating normal foods and bringing Z down from his holiday high and preparing him for what is to happen next, the taking down of the decorations. To prevent him from slipping into a deep dark depression, I have been doing it very slowly :) By New Years Day I hope to be finished.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Wednesday, December 30, 2009 6 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Crazy Week
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Monday, December 21, 2009 9 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Mommy Made A Mistake
Last week I called the doctor and asked them to change Lil' C's reflux prescription from the $50 Pepcid to the much cheaper $15 generic version of Zantac.....BIG MISTAKE! That $35 dollars of savings cost us so much this weekend :( My poor little baby reverted back to square one and spent the weekend gagging, crying while eating, spitting up (and swallowing it again) and not sleeping because she was so miserable. It was rough for all and S and I being so sleep deprived could not figure out why this was happening. We blamed my diet....was it the few chix wings that we ate from the local pizza shop and/or the garlic in my dinner??? It turns out there is soy in those little chewy peppermint candy's with the Christmas trees in the middle...was it the few of those that I ate?? Never did it occur to us that it was the change in medication.
Then in the middle of the night last night, as I was rocking the baby to sleep, I remembered that we had just switched her medicine. The first thing I did this morning was search the internet for people who had made a similar switch in medication. What I found was a few moms who had regretted their decision to try to save money and they had similar experiences. I immediately got on the phone with my pediatrician, talked it over with them and now she is back on the Pepcid. My hope is that it will work very quickly and peace will be restored to the Raising Z home :) I guess the moral of the story is...."if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Monday, December 14, 2009 8 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Just for The Joy--Baby Joy

A house with a brand new baby can best be described as "Chaotic". It does not matter if this is your first baby or 5th......trying to assimilate an infant into a house that once had some sort of routine is pure chaos :) The helpless little love that you just brought home relies on everyone in the home to help them to grow and thrive. For those moms who are breastfeeding, most of the infant care falls on us and thus we are on 24/7. These little babies need food, comfort, love, sleep, clean clothes, numerous diaper changes and round the clock attention. The members of the house (except for baby) exist with very little sleep and try to get through the day as best as they can. The first 6 weeks are a blur and even though you try to appreciate every moment, they are over before you know it.
At about that 6 week mark, if not before, it feels like you will never sleep again. You are so tired and feel as though there is nothing left to give. Tears are often shed as you wonder how you will go on.........and then it happens........this little baby who has needed so much from you bestows the greatest gift.......they smile for the first time!
This is what happened to me last Friday.....I was so tired both physically and emotionally. Z was very angry with me for not being able to play and even madder with the baby for taking up my time. The baby was screaming because she was over tired and my back was about to break from walking her around the house. We were 4 hours away from S coming home and my mom was at the was a very tough moment. I finally got Z in front of the electric babysitter (desperate times call for desperate measures) and I stripped C down to see if that would stop her tears. Thankfully it worked and she began to calm down! I watched her as she glanced up at her mobile and then she looked over at me and her face brightened with a very big smile. My heart melted, this was the most perfect gift at the most perfect moment! It was as if my sweet little baby was thanking me for all that I had done for her over the last 6 weeks :) Here she was expressing her love for me in the only way that she could, I will never forget that moment! It brought me so much joy and was the only Christmas gift I need this year :)
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Thursday, December 10, 2009 11 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
WW--Snow Day
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Wednesday, December 09, 2009 6 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas MEME
Courtney over at One Loopy Life tagged me for this Christmas MEME. I LOVE Christmas so I am excited to participate, thanks Courtney!!!! This is part of Heather's Top Ten Christmas Blog. I am tagging Beth, Nicolasa, Lee-Ann, Poolside and Annie.
1. Have you started your Christmas Shopping?
I am actually done and have been since December 4th. I tried so hard to be done by Thanksgiving but my husband's family added 4 more people to our Christmas! I did most of my shopping this year online...easy to do with a newborn.
2. Tell me about one of your special Traditions.
Every year on Christmas Eve Eve (Dec. 23rd) my family gets together at my mom's house for Chinese Take Out and a viewing of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation :) We then sleep over (it's getting crowded now) and wake up to have our family Christmas and breakfast on Christmas Eve. My sisters and I still fight to be the first to find the Christmas Pickle!!!
3. When do you put up your Tree?
The day after Thanksgiving :) We have a fake tree due to my allergies so there is no problem putting it up then.
4. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?
Absolutely not....I am a Black Friday Decorator. I spend the entire day decorating my house for the Holidays :)
5. Do you Travel at Christmas or Stay home?
This year we are doing a little of both. We are at my mom's Christmas eve eve, our house to sleep on Christmas Eve so that Santa can come here and then down to my husband's family on Christmas morning. It makes me tired just typing it all....eventually I want to just stay home on Christmas day and play and relax :)
6. What is your funniest Christmas memory??
As I mentioned before, my sisters and I fight over finding the Christmas Pickle on Christmas Eve morning. For years my baby sister K would always finds it first....she then got the extra gift. This drove me nuts!!!! Finally my year came and I actually found the pickle! I was so excited, I threw my arms up in the air to celebrate and the glass ornament slipped from my hands, fell on the brick fireplace and shattered! It was pretty ironic that after years of wanting to win, the first time I actually found it, I broke it! was pretty funny!
7. What is your favorite Christmas Movie??
A Very Brady Christmas!!!!! I can't find my VHS (I think my family hid it) and it is not on DVD....what am I going to do????
8. Do you do your own Christmas baking? What is your favorite treat??
I do make sugar and gingerbread cookies. My favorite treat are my MIL's Italian cookies...Yum!!!
9. Fake or Real Tree?
Fake, I am allergic!
10. What day does the actual panic set in to get it all done?
Two weeks before Thanksgiving!
11. Are you still wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?
Only if I am wrapping for my dad.
12. What is your favorite family fun time at Christmas?
The Christmas Eve Party at my mom's is a huge competition. There are two teams of our family and friends and we compete in 3 events. Over the years we have competed in games of mini golf, jenga, Beirut (w/water), Holiday Jeopardy, card toss, Don't forget the lyrics and so many more!!! The winning team wins scratch tix.
13. What Christmas craft do you like best??
Decorating the gingerbread house :)
14. Christmas music??
All of it!!! My favorite albums are Jimmy Buffett, Charlie Brown and the muppets.
Just simply copy and paste the questions into your blog, and then answer them.
When you post your blog, please spread some Christmas cheer, and leave a link back to Heather's Top Ten Christmas Blog, and the blog that you were tagged by.
I enjoyed this meme!! If you play along, leave me a comment and let me know so I can check out your responses!
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Tuesday, December 08, 2009 7 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday MEMe--5 Laps :)
2. The Apple Store Guy when he gives me my new free LAPtop :)
4. My Daddy---I am a Daddy's Girl
5. My Sweet Husband, Papa Bear
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Monday, December 07, 2009 13 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Z's Life of Crime
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Thursday, December 03, 2009 13 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Park the Elf Arrived Today!!!
The Raising Z household is filled with excitement because Park the Elf arrived today. This is his second holiday season with us and we are thrilled that he decided to visit us once again. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about...check out the Elf Magic Website.
I first heard about this site from Connie at The Young and the Relentless. After reading her entry about the elves at her house, I immediately went to get an elf of our own. A few days later, Park arrived and we had a blast toting him all over the place. He went on the Polar Express, came on an overnight to Portland Maine with us, went to see Christmas lights, baked cookies and so much more. He often left small little gifts for Z in his sack and on Christmas Eve, when he had to go back to the North Pole to help Santa, he left him a larger gift as a thank you for being such a good host :) It was so much fun.
This year we have decided to change things up a bit. Rather than have Park come to live with us and join us in all of our daily adventures, he will just be popping in at night to check things out (he is much too busy this year and Santa desperately needs him at the North Pole during the day). Z will never actually see Park this season but every morning (except for Preschool mornings) Park will leave a photo of himself doing something in the house, a letter for Z and C and some small gift for the day. S feels by doing it this way, Park will be more magical and mysterious ;) I spent the weekend getting all the pictures and letters ready to go.
Last year I bought the gifts, this year I wanted to save money so I got creative :) Today he left Z and C their Nativity Set. Park has lots of exciting things to leave this season like... their holiday trains, cookie cutters to make cookies, a holiday potty chart (we have really fallen off the wagon on that), the Polar Express book and a bell from Santa's sleigh, Candy canes, our stockings (with a new one for C), money to go out and buy toys for Toys for Tots and so much more. Each time he visits he will leave something unique and special.....and on Christmas Eve, he will leave them a slightly larger gift once again.
I have included a few of the pictures that Park will leave behind.....he is one wild and crazy elf :)
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Tuesday, December 01, 2009 11 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Quiet Sunday
After a crazy (but wonderful) is nice to have some downtime. I am currently sitting in front of my beautiful Christmas tree, sipping peppermint tea, watching Holiday Inn and rocking my sweet baby girl. It is so peaceful :)
S and Z are at my sister's house for Thanksgiving the Sequel. My brother in-law is a police officer and had to work on Thanksgiving Day. My sister has recreated the meal he missed with a Christmas twist. Her entire house is decorated for Christmas so I guess today's feast could be called Thanksmas.
Lil' C and I had to miss this fun party because she is getting over her first cold :( She is doing much better today but I did not want to expose her to all those germs so soon. The poor thing slept for two days straight because she was so miserable. She was sneezing, coughing had a runny was awful. Then yesterday she woke up, feeling a bit better but boy was she hungry! She decided to spend most of yesterday and today eating (she had to make up for lost time :)).
Thanksgiving at my mom's was really nice. My mom catered to my dairy and soy free needs and my meal ended up being really great. I even found a yummy dairy and soy free pumpkin pie recipe that I made! Z had a wonderful day, he wishes he could do it all over again. He started off with breakfast in front of the new Curious George Christmas movie on PBS. We then drove to my mom's and watched the parade and helped her cook. After that he enjoyed a feast of chicken nuggets, cherry tomatoes, carrots and jelly beans (he got this idea from Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving!!!). He said to my dad, "This meal is GREAT!"
The rest of the weekend was spent taking care of C and decorating for Christmas. Things took a little longer than they usually do but it all turned out really nice and cozy. I am looking forward to a month of baking, singing, wrapping, gift giving, Christmas light seeking, holiday movies and TV specials, traditions, family, friends, smiles, laughs and joy!
Tis the Season!! Have a Great One :)
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Sunday, November 29, 2009 11 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Thursday, November 26, 2009 5 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Post It Note Tuesday

Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
All About MEme--What are you Thankful Four?
with MommyBrain and SupahMommy
It's that time of year.
Time for the official kick-off of the holiday season. Hollah!
Time to eat some turkey and pumpkin pie.
Time to travel near and far to be with family.
Time to enjoy the pandemonium and traditions.
Time to think about ... and answer this question ...
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Monday, November 23, 2009 8 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I need to send a big THANK YOU out to my mom, dad, sister L and best friend L for helping me out this week while S was away!!! Without them, it would have been a very teary week for me. C's reflux is improving but she has had such bad gas and is not a happy camper because of it :( I have truly eliminated milk and soy from my diet (as well as other gassy foods) to see if that will help. Poor little girl.
Thank you all for helping out, doing the laundry, the dishes, sleeping over, playing with Z, rocking and consoling C and most of all...keeping me sane! S and I appreciate all you have done for us :) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Saturday, November 21, 2009 3 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
This Holiday Elf is So Tired!
As many of my long time readers know, I LOVE the holidays....ALL HOLIDAYS...and my friend K has nicknamed me the "Holiday Elf". This fall because of my pregnancy and now the baby, the holidays have been tough for me to keep up with. I dragged through Halloween and didn't even have the energy for Z's last minute costume change (I made S deal with it). Despite my lack of sleep, I still tried to make sure Z had a wonderful Halloween complete w/ a craft day, making Halloween cookies and a Countdown to Halloween paper chain.
For years my friend S and I have gotten our families together for a "Friends Thanksgiving" in early November. This year we decided to do it in February because I am just too tired (and she is just too busy). I still plan to make a few dishes for real Thanksgiving at my mom's (dairy and soy free....not sure how I am going to pull that off), my house is decorated and we have been reading all of our Thanksgiving picture books but I just don't have the energy to make paper turkeys and all of the other fun things that I want to do with Z.
Now Christmas is fast approaching and I refuse to let sleep deprivation slow me down! I started planning out this years Christmas in July. This is when I made the budget, printed out my Christmas card labels and started my shopping. Over the last month and a half I have been working on my cards (90/120 done), got 3/4 of my shopping done (I love the internet!!!), bought the wrapping paper, have plans to go see Santa on Monday (no lines when you go before Thanksgiving) and I hope to avoid all malls and major shopping centers after Thanksgiving (I am not a Black Friday kind of girl) :)
I love the holidays but I hate the crowds and craziness that December brings. I would rather enjoy December in the comfort of my decorated home.....baking cookies, crafting with Z, wrapping presents and listening to my favorite holiday music. That is so much nicer and less stressful than being out in the cold trying to find a parking spot and searching for gifts through the picked over merchandise. My dad and husband prefer to wait until the last minute and don't seem to mind the craziness.
My dad has taken us shopping for my mom every year since we were little. It is one of my sisters and my favorite traditions and is the only reason I enter a mall in December. Dad hates shopping but doesn't seem to mind waiting until the last minute (he even had his car stolen from the crowded lot one year). S hates that I love to plan ahead and that I spread my shopping out over a few months. He too likes to go to the mall in December and loves to find very unique gifts ;) Unfortunately for him, I have completed all of his shopping for him this year and encouraged him to shop for me online (with a 50$ budget, you can't do much).....not sure what he will do without his last minute shopping trip in December :) Maybe he will take Z out to get a few little things and they can start a tradition of their own.
I do hope I can keep the holiday spirit alive with so little sleep. Many of the people around me count on my abundance of holiday spirit to get them excited and ready for the holiday. With a lack of sleep and caffeine, I am not sure I will be able to keep it up all season long. I am going to have to find new ways to stay upbeat and energized in order to help make this Christmas magical for everyone I love. I guess I will have to watch A Very Brady Christmas a few extra times this season to help keep my spirit alive. Happy Holidays!!
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Thursday, November 19, 2009 11 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pepcid Spells Relief???
Well we got the prescription :) Lil' C has been on the medication since Friday afternoon and (knock on wood) has been doing better!! She is sleeping better and seems much more happy and alert. She still shows signs of pain at some feedings (she cried for over an hour last night during her feeding) but the doctor said it would take up to a week for the stomach lining and esophagus to repair themselves, so hopefully that too will pass.
This medication has not only brought some relief to C but Z is much less stressed out than he was before. He has taken a liking to this new baby that doesn't cry as much. He will now be in the same room with us (unless she is crying), has given her kisses, asks to hold her, tries to play with her and talks about her non-stop. It has been really nice.
S is away for the week on business and my family and best friend are taking shifts to help out during the day and sleep over at night. C has been going through her 3 week growth spurt and all she and I do is nurse, so the help is much needed. S felt so badly leaving us yesterday but he had to go and I understand that. We are in good hands and despite the long cry last night, she had a very good night....I actually got more than an hour of sleep at one time :) Let's hope for another good night tonight.
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Give Me Some Zantac!!!
I have decided that I am not leaving my pediatricians office today without a prescription for Zantac in my hand. My baby might be only 3 weeks old but she definitely has Silent Reflux and nothing we do (positioning, burping, mylicon, keeping her upright, having her sleep upright, changing my diet) is working. She is miserable and that means we are miserable. She isn't sleeping well, cries for much of the day and is crying while eating (which means I am also crying while she eats). When she is asleep, I am only half asleep waiting for her to gag, stop breathing and then gasp for air. I am constantly checking her to make sure that she is still breathing....I feel so badly for her.
Z suffered from severe colic for months. When we brought it to the doctor's attention, she prescribed Zantac. Both S and I did not like the idea of giving our baby medication and decided to not fill the prescription until we had tried everything else. I went on an elimination diet where I only ate rice, chicken and some fruits and vegetables for one month. I then started adding things back in slowly.....we then discovered (and stool tests confirmed it) that Z could not digest dairy or soy. He still can't and drinks rice milk and avoids most products with milk and soy.
Z's issues were more gas related and that is why we didn't believe that he needed the Zantac....C's issues are very different. My husband (Mr. Anti-Medicine) has asked that we get medicine to help our baby girl. If for some reason we are wrong and the medicine does not work, then I will go back on the strict elimination diet (hopefully after Turkey day :(). I am willing to do whatever it takes to help my little bambino but I would like to try the medication first. After all, a mother's instinct is usually right :) Wish me LUCK with the doctor!
***Update.....We got the prescription :) She has had two could take over a week to help heal her stomach and esophagus...I will keep you updated!****
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Friday, November 13, 2009 12 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Z's Imaginary Friend
We welcomed a new friend to our home this past week, Franklin, Z's imaginary turtle friend. S and I have been doing some reading about imaginary friends and apparently it is normal and good for a child's imaginative development. This being said, they often appear when a child is stressed, feeling lonely and needs a sense of comfort :( This last part breaks my heart!
I have to be honest, the last week and a half has been very challenging. We went from smooth sailing with baby C for about a week to some rougher weather this last week and a half. C has been not sleeping well (day or night), burping wet burps, gets the hiccups 8-10 times a day, always sounds congested, wants to nurse constantly, has these moments where she gags and stops breathing for a minute, cries all the time and wants to be held has been really challenging. At the doctor's yesterday, she was diagnosed with Silent Reflux but she is too young for medication at this point. We are in the process of trying all of the natural remedies to try to help her pain and discomfort (most of them we had already tried before our visit to the doctor).
Z is extremely sensitive to the sound of babies crying and he went from being intrigued by and tolerating his new baby sister to now avoiding her all together. Z refuses to be in the same room with Lil' C :( He often retreats upstairs to his room for a much needed break from the noise. While I appreciate that he has this wonderful strategy of removing himself from situations that cause him stress, it breaks my heart that I never see the boy anymore. He is sooooo afraid of C, afraid that at any moment she will start to cry. He is often on the verge of tears is painful to see.
C takes a few short naps during the day and it is then that I try to dress, feed and spend as much quality time with Z that I can. Potty training is out the window (the poor guy is not independent and had way too many accidents while I was nursing...he is now in pull-ups), I am a mess (lucky if I get a shower in and I am averaging 4-5 hours of interrupted sleep a day) and my house is trashed....who has time to clean? I am either nursing, consoling or trying to spend time with Z. S tries so hard to keep up with the dishes and my mom the laundry but it is impossible when Z and C both need so much attention.
So given all of this stress on my sweet Z and the fact that he spends so much time playing alone (which he does soooo well, I am so lucky!), he has turned to his new pal Franklin to keep him company. I am so sad for him, I so wish there was more I could do to meet his needs while still meeting the needs of my new baby girl. My family and friends have been very helpful when they can but it is impossible to have someone here everyday....I need to get use to doing this on my own.
Someone told me that while figuring out my new role as a mother of two, it is important to strive to meet the emotional needs of the older child and the physical needs of the baby. This seems impossible right now...the only thing I am able to do is meet the physical needs of both children (and that isn't even being done well). I am truly in survival mode. I know everyone says that it will get easier....I just wish I could appreciate this time a little more. C is so little and cute (7 LBS 1 oz) and when she is not crying enjoys taking in the world around her.....I love her big beautiful eyes. And Z is so much fun right now! He is so curious and his imagination has taken off. It is so much fun to listen to him play, I just wish I could join him a little more often. I keep reminding myself it is Quality vs. Quantity...right??
Sorry if this post didn't make much sense. It was typed one-handed and took a few feedings to complete :)
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
All About MEme Monday
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Monday, November 09, 2009 12 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Funny Z
Z has been very intrigued by breast feeding over the last few days and I have some cute stories to share with you :)
Story 1
I was pumping some milk and Z walked in and looked at me and said, "What you doing Mommy?" I told him I was pumping milk for the baby to drink. "Milk comes from your boobs?" he asked. I told him it did and that it was special "Mommy Milk" for Lil' C. I then told him that he use to drink "Mommy Milk" when he was a baby. "And that all comes from your boobs?" he asked again looking awestruck. He then said with such feeling, "Mommy, I LIKE boobs!" and skipped off to play in his room.
Story 2
S and Z were off to Target for 4 much needed items. I made them a list and it was Z's job to hold onto the list and make sure they got everything they needed. Before they left he asked me to read him the list. I told him that they needed a new Halloween Costume for him (after months of wanting to be Rich from Imagination Movers, he changed his mind days before Trick or Treat), laundry detergent, bottled water and special ice packs. "Ice packs?" Z asked. I told him that mommy needed them for her boobs because they really hurt.
While in Target, S was in the breast feeding aisle searching for the ice packs. Z looked down at his list and shouted for all to hear, "Daddy, we still need to get boobs! Daddy where are the boobs? Mommy said we needed boobs!" S was a bit embarrassed...he quickly found the "boobs" and moved to a different part of the store :)
Story 3
Z was upstairs cleaning his room with my mom when he found his baby doll. My mom asked him if he wanted to feed his baby and she handed him the little bottle. Z said he wanted to feed the baby with his "pretend boobs". He lifted up his shirt and fed the baby.
Story 4
Z found the massage tool that I had taken to the hospital. He ran over, started rubbing my back and said, "Mommy I make your back feel better." I thanked him and told him that it felt much better now. He then came around and started to massage my chest and said...."Now I make your boobs feel better!"
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Thursday, November 05, 2009 13 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Post It Note Tuesdays
Posted by Raising Z and Lil C at Tuesday, November 03, 2009 16 comments