I have decided that I am not leaving my pediatricians office today without a prescription for Zantac in my hand. My baby might be only 3 weeks old but she definitely has Silent Reflux and nothing we do (positioning, burping, mylicon, keeping her upright, having her sleep upright, changing my diet) is working. She is miserable and that means we are miserable. She isn't sleeping well, cries for much of the day and is crying while eating (which means I am also crying while she eats). When she is asleep, I am only half asleep waiting for her to gag, stop breathing and then gasp for air. I am constantly checking her to make sure that she is still breathing....I feel so badly for her.
Z suffered from severe colic for months. When we brought it to the doctor's attention, she prescribed Zantac. Both S and I did not like the idea of giving our baby medication and decided to not fill the prescription until we had tried everything else. I went on an elimination diet where I only ate rice, chicken and some fruits and vegetables for one month. I then started adding things back in slowly.....we then discovered (and stool tests confirmed it) that Z could not digest dairy or soy. He still can't and drinks rice milk and avoids most products with milk and soy.
Z's issues were more gas related and that is why we didn't believe that he needed the Zantac....C's issues are very different. My husband (Mr. Anti-Medicine) has asked that we get medicine to help our baby girl. If for some reason we are wrong and the medicine does not work, then I will go back on the strict elimination diet (hopefully after Turkey day :(). I am willing to do whatever it takes to help my little bambino but I would like to try the medication first. After all, a mother's instinct is usually right :) Wish me LUCK with the doctor!
***Update.....We got the prescription :) She has had two doses....it could take over a week to help heal her stomach and esophagus...I will keep you updated!****
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
Good Luck!!! How awful for you and little C! My thoughts are with you!
Poor little thing,...and poor you! I hope the little darlin' is cured very soon.
Wish you had the prescription and things change.
Have a nice weekend.
aww! I hope you figure it out for LiL C's sake (and yours) Good LUCK!
Aww, poor baby. I hope you are able to have a good conversation with your pedi about this and come to a good decision for your whole family. Sounds like you know exactly what little C needs and I would trust that mommy instinct 100%. Good luck!
Good luck! I hope she gets some relief soon.
Stick to your guns. I've been there with the reflux. Things will get better. The medicine is really helpful. I'm not sure why they don't want to give it to you now but don't give up. She needs to rest and eat and if she's not doing either then they should pony up the meds.
So glad the doctor came through...but knowing how you were feeling about this, I had no doubt you would get your way.
Hopefully, this works for my granddaughter and for all of you.
I hope she is well in much less time that two weeks!
Alex had to have Zantac too and it helped so much!
Keep us posted!
And I hope you get some sleep soon.
Glad to hear that the Dr. precribed the Zantec. Hopefully it has started to take affect and The whole Raising Z family is getting some rest. Your an awesome Mom always trust those instincts!
congrats congrats congrats on beautiful baby C! I'm so so so sorry I didn't get on here and check sooner... as you can prob tell from my blog I am no where near online as I should be!
She's beautiful! :)
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