Friday, April 27, 2012

My Blessing Bag

My dear friend Claire gave me a present last month....a Blessing Bag.  This plain bag is a home for me to write down the moments of my life when I am feeling particularly blessed.  The idea is that on New Years Day I will take my bag, empty the pieces of paper and remember all of those wonderful moments throughout the year.

In the past I have tried to keep a gratitude journal but if I missed a few days, I would get frustrated and then eventually give it up.  I love the idea of a bag to fill and I keep paper both down and upstairs for whenever a blessed moment comes over me :)  The bag is hanging in my closet and having it there is a good reminder at the end of the day to reflect upon the moments of my day that were special.  This was such a simple gift but one that means so much, thanks Claire.


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