Our weekend was built around two volunteer events. The first was Saturday, my dad organized his Rotary Club's Car Show. I helped him with the kiddie land which we modeled after Radiator Springs from the Cars movie. We had a bounce house at Luigi's Casa De La Tires, the concession stand was Flo's V8 Cafe, there were temporary tatoos at Ramone's, a poster contest at Lightning's Speedway and an obstacle course at Mater's Tractor Tipping. It was so much fun to help create and run and the whole show was a huge success. I also put together a playlist for the event, filled with fun 50's and 60's music and my dad even played for a bit. The kids at the show told me it was the best car show they have ever been to because most car shows are just filled with exhaust...not a cool bouncy house and fun stuff to do! ;) Dad did a great job organizing the show.
On Sunday I volunteered for the third time (second year in Boston) at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Boston. My dear friend Rose and I did it together and this year we were assigned the job of cheering at the finish line :) It was great (but emotional and teary at times) to see the walkers cross the line and most of our time was spent snapping pictures of them with their cameras and phones. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and it was such a special day.
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
What a fun weekend!
I can totally see you as a cheerleader.
How wonderful that you volunteer at the Avon Walk!! I'm walking for the first time at the two day in San Francisco in July. Love your blog.
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