Thursday, May 17, 2012

When Mama (and Lil C) is Sick...

-the cherubs (and Mama) watch more tv than they should (Lil' C watched the Bachelorette with me ;))
-minimal chores get done and the clean (and dirty) laundry piles grow
-there is lots of snuggling on the couch with books, books and more books
-sandwiches are the perfect thing for dinner
-plans are cancelled and more time is spent at home
-the grass grows taller (but it is probably too wet to mow anyway)
-the To-Do List sits with very little crossed off
-school drop off and pick up seem like a monumental task and takes so much effort
and mama longs for the days when things will return to normal.


Heather said...

hmmm...this sounds more like my every day :-) I used to worry about getting the house cleaned, but then I realized that I am at home with a 4 year old and 21 month old, and they play. So instead, I relaxed a little :-) I hope you are feeling better! I am visiting from 30 day vegan!

Connie said...

I hate when we're all sick.

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is feeling better real soon.
Hugs & kisses all around.
GpJ & Mimi

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