This TIME OUT is not for the children but it is for me. It is time to SLOW DOWN, get off this merry go round, take some things off my plate and focus on what is really important. It is time to focus on my family and myself.
get off the Merry go Round |
I learned something about myself this month, I learned that I go through a cycle each month that leaves me at the end exhausted. At the beginning of the month I am full of energy and love to take on the world. I agree to do WAY TOO MUCH and spend the rest of the month trying to accomplish it. As the month wears on, my energy levels slow down and my mood sours (sound familiar??) and then by the months end I have crashed and burned. It is then that I allow myself to cancel things, relax and renew. But after that brief time of renewal I am raring to go again and the cycle starts all over again.
I wish there were time for me to nap ;) |
My question for myself is,
Would I crash and burn at the end of the month if I did not take on so much?? What if I paced myself and decided that one or two big projects for the month were plenty? Would I then be able to make it through the month feeling good the whole way?? I think this is an experiment I need to take on.
Lucky for me the kids do not feel this cycle, well they may feel it through my mood but their schedule is pretty regular and is filled with LOTS of downtime and play. We have many home mornings/afternoons where they create, play and enjoy their childhood. Our outings are simple and stress free and other than having to get Z to school on time and two Kindermusik classes, there is little demand of our time.

So how does life get so crazy for me?? I am caring for two kids (pretty much on my own), creating fun and exciting learning experiences for them, trying to keep up with the housework, supporting a husband who works around the clock (and trying to see him in the wee hours of the night), blogging (2 blogs) and then working on any number of crazy projects. For February alone I was taking a class in Sourdough and experimenting with all of that, had my 30 day yoga challenge, was taking a class in Peaceful Parenting, read 4 books, have been researching many different modes and aspects of education, have been trying to keep up with my PT, trying to limit our screen time (we are now down to 30 minutes a day for TV) and have been working on a very special project that I can't share right now. That is a lot for one month!
Our Visual TV/Computer System :) There are 1-3 stones in the jar and each stone represents one unit of time |
So March will be a time to spread things out, let things go and try to not take on toooo much. I am hoping that come the end of the month I will feel almost as much energy as I did in the beginning....I'll let you know :)