Well here we go...I am starting a Blog :) My husband S has been after me to do this and we will see where it goes. I am not sure that anyone cares what I think, what I do or what I have to say but we shall see! So please feel free to sit back, relax and get ready to join me on this wild roller coaster ride called motherhood.
Well we are 13 days into the new year and a lot has already happened. We are participating in a family "Biggest Loser" competition. S and I are teamed up and have already lost a combined 12.6 pounds :) We are working out, eating better and getting ready for our cruise in March (oh no...bathing suits!!!). The new year has also forced us to look once again at our finances. Christmas took its toll and it is time to start saving again. We are in the middle of a spending freeze (so much fun for this shopaholic) and so Z and I are forced to figure out free things to do (thankfully our Kindermusik and YMCA classes are already paid for).
The biggest thing we are facing in 2008 is our sweet little baby boy has started to defy us and is now very good at throwing temper tantrums! It is time to get out Happiest Toddler on the Block by Harvey Karp and figure out what to do with this new creature living in our home. Thank goodness for Baby Signs (R) at least that has helped to avoid some minor tantrums.
Well it is time for me to get my Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich and sit back and relax before bed. I hope those of you who have read my blog (probably just my hubby) enjoyed it and will check back tomorrow to see what is new with Z and me :)
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
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