As I mentioned before, I am now participating in a family/friends "Biggest Loser" competition. I have the last of my baby weight to lose and S and I are trying so hard to get in shape for our upcoming vacation and the three weddings I am in (he is in one of them). The last 10 pounds are always the toughest to come off! I have been sporting them for well over a year now and I am in a vicious cycle where I will lose a few and then gain a is such a struggle.
Because of the competition I have devoted Z's nap time to working out and because of it everything else has gone by the way side. It is hard when you only have 2 hours to yourself during the day (if that) to decide what to do (I feel another blog entry coming on). When you devote an hour to working out, you only have one hour to shower, eat, do laundry, clean, make dinner, write a blog entry etc. I do like focusing on myself though and because I have been working out I have soooo much more energy to play with Z.
Before Z, I was a runner. I loved to race (nothing too long) and was part of a running club. After he was born and I was given the go ahead to was too cold and dark to really get back into it. I did run off and on in the summer, with Z in the BOB stroller, but I found myself always making excuses to not run (too hot, Z was tired, I was tired etc.). So now I have started my FIRM workouts again and try to run at least once a week. I plan to really kick the running into gear in the spring and get back out there and race. I think I might even try to join the local running club....we shall see.
The biggest challenge I find right now is food!!! I have started the Weight Watchers program again. With money being tight, I can't afford to go to meetings right now. I did keep all of my WW stuff from the past and so I am following the program from home. The meetings are one of the best things about WW and with the help of the meetings I earned my lifetime member award back in 2004 :) I plan to return to WW once I get back within two pounds of my goal weight (then it will be free for me).
Food becomes my enemy between 3-7pm. Once I am done with my workout, I am so hungry!!!! I can't stop snacking. It is also so hard to not finish Z's food. I have always been a member of the clean plate club and those last few pieces of chicken nugget call out to me as I go to throw them away! It is such a bad thing to be doing. I snack on his pretzel goldfish, eat some of his animal crackers, take bites of his is out of control. They need to have a support group for people who eat off their toddler's plate.
I have made a vow to get it under control and it has been a little better this week. I compromise and eat one piece of chicken nugget and then throw the rest away (baby steps :)). The fact is I am going to have to do something because before you know it I will be as big as a whale!
So to all you moms out there trying to lose the rest of the baby weight...I am right there with you :) I think all I need is Weight Watchers, the Firm workouts and a little will power to stay away from Z's plate. If I stick with all three of those things I should be able to get to my goal without too much trouble and maybe even win the Biggest Loser competition. I will keep you posted (5 lbs down--the holiday weight......10 more to go)!
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
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