My son was born in the fall of '06 and when winter hit I was going stir crazy!!!! I needed to get out of the house and meet people but what could I do with my four month old lump? All of my friends with children were an hour drive and I needed something..... someone closer to my new town.
So I signed up for a Kindermusik class in January which was great! It gave me a reason to shower, got me out of the house once a week and most importantly gave me 45 minutes of "adult" interaction :) As much as I loved the class it just wasn't enough...I needed something to do the other 4 days of the was an issue so I couldn't sign up for more I kept searching for other things in my community.
I was very excited to find my local MOMS Club advertising in the paper last February. I clipped the ad and called the president the next day. She was very nice and it turned out that she was in my Kindermusik class :) Small world!!! I joined on the spot and was eager to get involved.
Well my journey with the MOMs Club has been a bit of a roller coaster. I did not really feel welcome at the few events I went to and my playgroup disbanded before it ever got started. Just when I was about to give up and look for something new, one of the girls from the club called me and asked me if I wanted to meet up at the park the next week. I was so excited that someone had reached out to me and so I quickly agreed to meet her and a few of the other moms that she had called.
Well it was one of the best thing I have ever done! At the park that day, I met 2 wonderful people who have become close friends. I am so fortunate to have met them and to have them in my life today. They have been very supportive and have helped me to meet and create the wonderful playgroup I am part of today.
I love playgroup!!!! Z and I look forward to it every week. We get together, the kids play and the adults chat :) We chat about the kids, answer each others questions and vent about our lives. It is so nice to be part of a nice group of women who I can count on and also have so much fun with. So my advice to all of you SAHM's....get out there and meet people. Join a MOMs club, find a playgroup, find a class for you and your child.....find people who you can connect with! It is essential for you and your child, because after all....It takes a village to raise a child!
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
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