-Thanks Grandma M for playing music with me
-Thanks Grandma N for taking me out on fun outings
-Thanks Grandpa J for all of our long walks
-Thanks Mr. Finnegan (and CC) for all of the tickle time
-Thanks Auntie KK for chasing me
-Thanks Auntie A for playing games with me
-Thanks Auntie L for making me laugh so much
-Thanks Auntie K for teaching me to say “Nooooo” and for encouraging me to be GREEN!
-Thanks Uncle B for showing me the didge
-Thanks Uncle M for making me laugh (especially that silly
Santa outhouse)
-Thanks Uncle A for Big George…he is the best!!!!
-Thanks Uncle M for playing football with me
-Thanks Godfather M for all of your kind notes to me
-Thanks cousin G for having really fun toys
-Thanks cousin S for playing with me (hope to see you soon!)
-Thanks Great Grandparents for having long hallways and fun
stairways to play in (and for loving me)
-Thanks to the 3 dogs in my life for all of your wet kisses
-Thanks Aunties L and S for loving me
-Thanks cousins N, O and C for sharing your toys and loving me (GAK)
-Thanks A, A, N, I and G for being such good friends
-Thanks playgroup friends for being so much fun when we hang out
-Thanks Friends moms for hanging out with and supporting my
-Thanks Daddy for loving me and taking such good care of me
and mommy
-Thanks Mommy for my laundry, baths, food, playtime and for
bringing stuffed George into my life.
I love you all!!! Happy Valentines Day
Love, Z
(Daddy made that cool sign for Mommy and Mommy made the toast for Daddy!)
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
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