I love having a babysitter! We are away this weekend at a conference and we have had the luxury of having a wonderful babysitter for both Friday and Saturday night. She is a family friend's daughter and a parents dream come true :) We have had so much fun staying out late, enjoying ourselves and not having to worry at all about Z :) Yes we are still in the same hotel in case something goes wrong but it has been nice to have "freedom" to live a life like we use to live :)
So now I am in the bathroom, Z is asleep in the room, typing this post before I go to bed. I have to admit that I have a nice buzz going and have been snacking on Weight Watchers snack cakes here in the bathroom. Thank goodness they only have 1 point a piece because this conference has been a Weight Watchers nightmare! When I drink (which takes up so many points) I get hungry and love to snack. Last night, my sister, S and two brother in-laws were hanging by the vending machine at the end of the night picking out our perfect drunken snack ;) Tomorrow I go back on plan and hope that I can at least stay the same. I lost 5.5 pounds last week!!! It feels great to be down a whole size :)
Well that is enough drunken rambling....S is still at the bars! I need to hit the sack :) Good night and thank goodness for babysitters :)
The week that I feel really old.
1 month ago
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