Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 10-Homemade Gifts

If you would like to learn more about my personal project called "Advent Letters", please click here :)

Day 10

I have decided to stick with the sister theme and so today's letter went to my best friend La :)  La and I have been friends since freshman year in college (we met watching Friends in our dorm lounge) and she has always been more like a sister to me than a friend.  We have had our share of fights (we have had some big ones) but through it all our friendship has grown stronger and we have grown closer.

It was always our dream to live close to one another and raise our children together :)  This dream came true when La moved back to our homeland the day Z was born.  Our children are now growing up together and it is wonderful (Lil' C has already imprinted on La' son Li....a little Twilight reference for ya).  Thanks for always being there for me La, I am so blessed to have you in my life.  Merry Christmas.

Holiday Thoughts

We are trying to simplify our lives and show our children that one of the most special parts of this time of year is giving to others.  I thought that one way to do this would be to start a tradition of making one gift for each child.  My mother use to make the most beautiful gifts for us as children.  Money was tight growing up and she was quite handy with a sewing machine.  I will never forget the Christmas that she made us beautiful fabric bassinets and a complete wardrobe for our baby dolls.  I wish I had realized at the time just how special those were and had taken better care of them over the years! 

I do not have my mom's talent when it comes to sewing but I do have some of her creative spark. This year I made Lil C her very own alphabet book and I am making Z this .  They might not be amazing gifts this year but I hope to start planning next years gifts earlier and do something a little bigger, like build a cradle for Lil C's dolls ;)  I do hope that they will like their gifts and know that they were made from the heart.

Special Christmas Fundraising Project

Click here to learn more about my husband's special fundraising effort to raise money for Make A Wish.


MommyLisa said...

Cool stuff! I need to start using that sewing machine my mother GAVE me. I mean really, why waste such a gift.

Annie said...

I like it, and is a great idea to make things fot them.

Enjoy the weekend.

Alexa said...

HIII!!! I've been off blogger for a while & realized- you had your baby! congrats! Looking forward to checking through your blog to see where you've been for some time now !:)

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