New Years Eve morning, we went out for a family breakfast and each shared our New Years resolutions :) Here they are:
Z said that he wanted to "work" to earn money for a cash register by drawing pictures for people.
S said that he wanted to find more balance in his life and start living by the motto, "Work Hard, Play Hard". Right now he just works way too hard :(
I said that I wanted to continue to work to find balance in my life by finding more time for myself, continue my quest to become a "Rational Minimalist" and help my family be as healthy and happy as we can be.
Lil C said "glable able, lable bla dada". We think that this means she wants to finally sleep through the night on a regular basis, grow the rest of her teeth in a painless way and not throw anymore temper tantrums :) What do you think she said??
The week that I feel really old.
2 months ago
I think C's resolution sounds right on. We would hope for the same in our house :) I love your blog, Jess, and love how much love and effort you are putting into raising kind and thoughtful children - I will definitely use you as my mommy role model :)
Oh TEMPER TANTRUMS. We have been having some dooozies at our house. So much so that I threatend to CANCEL our Chuck E. Cheese birthday party this Sunday. :(
I had to make resolutions for my husband....and so far he's doing great!
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