Monday, June 30, 2008

Congratulations Daddy!

Well you made it through one of the busiest years of your life! Sixty clubs to visit, sixty board meetings to run, hundreds of events to attend, a 3 day conference to plan, two expos to create, thousands of miles put onto your car traveling around two states, a golf tournament to run and you still found time to work full-time and spend time with your family!

You are our hero Dad and we love you :) Many have told us that you were the best District Governor the district has ever seen and from what I have seen, I would say this is true. We do know that you were the only singing governor and that your legacy will live on forever.

Congratulations on a very successful year. We are so proud of you and hope that you will welcome your new role of PDG with open arms. This new role allows a lot more time for relaxing and playing with G and Z :) I love you!!


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